Committed to excellence in serving children and their families in the Tampa Bay area since 1964
Corpus Christi
Parish website
What you need to know about Corpus Christi Catholic School….
• Christmas Program – Even if your child does not have an individual part, all grades participate.
• Save the Date! Our primary fundraising event for the school is the Gala for Giving held March 16, 2025 details TBA. Fundraising efforts help bridge the gap of tuition and the cost of educating our students. Everyone’s support is encouraged to keep tuition fees from increasing.
•FACTS RenWeb/ParentWeb is a great resource of communication about the school and your child.
• Before participating in classrooms with the students, you must have completed Level 2 Screening (information included in welcome packet). Security is of upmost importance.
• Like our Corpus Christi Catholic School Facebook page! Look for pictures and school activities.
• Plan to attend the end of the year Moving Up Ceremony.
• Families are divided into Blue and Red teams for Family Field Day. A lot of fun activities are planned for the entire family!
• Most half days (although not all) the students are permitted to dress in spirit wear which is PE shorts and spirit/PE shirt and athletic shoes. Dress code is in the Handbook.
• The Ice Cream Socials are a great way to meet fellow parents and the kids love it!
• Gingerbread Shop is an opportunity for all students to purchase Christmas presents for their entire family during school hours. They take great pride in giving gifts to others!
• Students enjoy Extended Day. The older kids and younger kids get to know each other.
• Used uniform sales are in conjunction with PC meetings and are a great way to save money. All proceeds support the school.